Customer Support

Use this FAQ before sending a message by contacting us through online inquiry service or the MauSign support.

[Error Handling] Password Error
'The password should be a mixture of alphanumeric and special characters more than 10 digits'  Enter a password which consists of letters, numbers and special character with a maximum of 10 digits size. 
[Error Handling] Select required documents
'you should select all required x-x-documents one by one. please choose the files to move to the next page' the user has to upload the requested x-x-document as it is important for verification purpose. 
[Error Handling] Select RA Office
'the mandatory input field is missing. please set the [select a ra office] ’ the user has to select available ‘ra office’ for x-x-document submission and face to face verification purposes. 
[Error Handling] Authorisation code error 
'Can't find the issuance information. Please check input data and try again' Re-check data entered in the authorisation code/reference code. 
[Error Handling] Please indicate that you accept these terms.  
Select all the available checkboxes to accept terms and conditions. 
[Error Handling] Online Application Form 
'You are missing to load your recent photo to this application form. Please load the picture within 6 months'  Attach a recent photo in the application form. 
[Error Handling] Maximum Uploading File Size 
'The file size is too big. File size should be under 5mb'  Upload a file with a maximum size of 5mb 
[Error Handling] Available Uploading Format 
'please check file extensions' the user has to upload requested x-x-documents in one of these available formats (doc, docx, pdf, xls, xlsx, txt, png, gif, jpg, zip, tif ).   
[Error Handling] Mandatory input field is missing 
'The mandatory input field is missing. Please set the [Applicant Name] ' Enter first name and last name in the 'Applicant Name' field.    'The mandatory input field is missing. Please set the [NID]  Enter National Identity Card number in the 'NID' field.    'The mandatory input field is missing. Please set the [Mobile Phone 1] ' Enter a mobile phone number in the 'Mobile Phone 1 field.    'The mandatory input field is missing. Please set the [Address] ' Enter address information in the 'Address' field.    'The mandatory input field is missing. Please set the [E-mail] ' Enter e-mail address information in the 'E-mail' field.    'The mandatory input field is missing. Please set the [E-mail confirm]'  Re-enter e-mail address information for confirmation purpose in the 'E-mail' confirm field. 
[Error Handling] Applicant Name & NID Does not match 
“Your full name does not match our records on file Please make sure you enter your full name as it appears on your id card.”  Your name should be exactly as it is on your ID card. For example, the first letter for both Name and Surname should be Uppercase as written on the ID Card. 

Find Postal Code

Please enter a road name and building number or region / street name and address.

(Eg.Yeongi-dong 219-2, Sejongdaero 110)

Search Result

Please enter a road name and building number or region / street name and address.